Help Desk
Call (647) 846-7781
Open daily 2pm - Midnight EST.
Our Service Dogs Canada team maintains a help desk for the benefit of our clients. We answer questions and have a network of associates to assist with any situation you may encounter.
The information submitted to the servicedogscanada.org website is provided by the purchaser for informational purposes only.
The contents of this Website are presented without any representation or warranty whatsoever, including as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein.
The purchaser understands and agrees that the only involvement by servicedogscanada.org is to supply the represented information and equipment.
Servicedogscanada.org reserves the right to refuse to provide an identification package for any reason what so ever.
Servicedogscanada.org is not responsible for any actions legal or otherwise caused by the use of the equipment or printed material supplied.